The first couple weeks after bringing her home from the hospital, I remember rocking a sleeping Isla in the middle of the night, quietly sobbing, praying for time to stand still.

It didn't.

That's when I vowed to do everything I could to cherish each stage with my babies... to hold onto them just a little bit longer.

That passion has spilled over into serving other families with that same gift.

Nicole is based in Baker, FL and serves the entire Emerald Coast from 30a to Pensacola.

owner & founder of NBP, homeschooling mama, aspiring crazy cat lady

Hi, I'm nicole

But with NBP, you don’t have to worry - short of a spaceship landing in front of us during your session, we’ve seen it all. We’re talking…

Tears through the entire session
All of the bodily fluids…all of them
Sand thrown in our eyes (0 out of 10 stars - do not recommend. Also the reason why Nicole keeps a spare set of glasses in her car)
…and none of this even touches what we’ve experienced with our own children.
Basically we’re saying this is the No Judgment Circle of Safety.

who knows that planning a family session can be stressful

we're a team of mamas

let's chat

That’s why we’ve often been commended for our endless reserves of patience, our energizer-bunny level spirit, and occasionally even our jokes for big kids (go ahead, ask us what a ninja’s favorite drink is…dare you)...all while ensuring you look your best.

We know what it takes to get the joyful, connected images your mama heart desires, and are willing to go the extra mile for it.

Check the proof here!

you could say our superpower is our ability to pivot (pivot! piiiivot!)

more about artwork

We know you love your kids. A lot. 

And you want to show them off sans “my kid is an honor student at North Shore High” bumper sticker (it’s okay if you didn’t catch that reference… we promise it was so fetch).

That’s why we offer custom wall art, heirloom albums, and bespoke lockets to our clients. You get to keep the most amazing, priceless keepsakes for yourself forever… and prove to Becky at book club with a different opinion of sleep training that you’ve got this motherhood thing down to an art. Win, win.

oh, and we're full service girlies

venti, light ice, add vanilla cold foam please and thank you

pink drink


The Phantom of the Opera is my OG fave



any flavor, any time

ice cream


the most important job God has entrusted me with

being mama


my all-time faves:

A space for inspiration and celebration

read the journal

A collection of featured imagery

view the gallery
work with us

We've served hundreds of families, and would love to serve yours too!